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TopLang OE Backup 5.0

TopLang OE Backup 5.0

TopLang OE Backup Publisher's Description

OE Backup is a backup tool for Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail and other programs, Windows components. OE Backup can backup the accounts, mails, address book, signatures, message rules, blocked senders list, junk-email options and so on for your email clients, backup the favorites, cookies, My Documents, Desktop, Firefox profile etc for other programs and Windows components. OE Backup provides the Auto Backup and One Click Backup features to help you to backup your data automatically. OE Backup is also a synchronization tool that can synchronize data between computers. OE Backup supports to backup/restore multiple identities and profiles for Outlook Express and Outlook, support to Append the backup data to email clients. The backup files can be password protected and can be compressed for saving disk space.

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System Utilities > Backup & Recovery
This product is also listed in: E-mail


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